I started out drawing comic book characters at a very young age and evolved into an air-brush artist.  I studied graphic design after a car accident and went on to learn visual effects and animation.  In hindsight, it was an excellent decision .  It was the natural evolution of my career path.  I've learned to be like water and go with the flow of life.  I believe that the design process never ends.  I'm constantly critiquing everything that I see visually.  I can feel if something is level or not.  I am constantly observing how one angle relates to another.  I believe that design extends throughout the entire Universe.  There is harmony amongst the chaos.  It's all a matter of perspective.  I look at everything in awe and try to absorb the essence of all that is without labels or prejudice.  I'm a silent witness to the miracle of life and I do my part to be a better human being and be my brothers' keeper.  I understand that we are all connected to each other in some way, shape or form. Life is precious and we all need to be cognoscente of that and do all that we can to preserve life, instead of taking it or the quality of it away from someone.  I'm not fanatical, but I am a fan of many things.  I'm not a nature boy or a religious fanatic, but I don't mind if you are.  I grew up in the church, but I evolved past it.  I refuse to be defined by any category or label.  I live life to the fullest, and live each day as if it were my last.  I accept my shortcomings, but I take comfort in being in control of my own destiny.  I work hard and I play harder.  I make no excuses, because excuses don't excuse you.  I greet people with a smile, shake with a firm grip and hug like a bear.
Damon Todd Sullivan Sr.
(951) 406-0786
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